Welcome to Pixel Studio West
Pixel Studio West Logo 
About Pixel Studio West

Up until recently, Pixel Studio West was just an idea and a domain name, laying in wait.  Originally doing business as the San Diego Web Partners, we felt it was time for a change in our name for several reasons.

Since so many websites these days have been making the transition to accommodate smaller devices such as smart phones, and graphics continue to play a role, we wanted our new name to hint at this.  

First, with websites having to respond to many different devices these days, while remaining aesthetic, the term "pixel" (meaning the smallest element in graphics) came to mind.

Next, we wanted something in our name to reflect the artsy aspect of our  design experience in terms of websites and graphic design in general.  Naturally "studio" is what we were looking for.

Finally, our relocating to Vancouver, BC was certainly another reason.  Because from time to time we are in San Diego and Vancouver, we felt our name should better reflect both of these locations.  For us, the west coast (or just "west") fit the bill in this regard.


Content Management System
Like a house, a website is better if it is built on a good foundation. These days, most websites make use of what is called a "Content Management System," or CMS for short.

Joomla and Drupal are two of the more popular content management systems, and there are probably hundreds of others. Although the popular ones have some advantages, they still have some shortcomings. So we have built our own custom CMS.

Some of its strengths include:

Fairly easy to install
Easy to learn how to use and begin using right away
Possibly more secure since it is less well known
Written using well known languages, such as PHP, CSS and Javascript
Streamlined to provide basic functionality without bogging everyone down

The Pixel Studio West website uses our CMS and your website can too, making it easy for you to keep your content up to date and your website fresh, with a minimum of fuss and very little time spent learning (and re-learning) how to do so!